Saturday, March 8, 2008

Some Bitter Thoughts About Ohio

I was trying to think of something clever and counterintuitive to write about Hillary Clinton's strong performance in Ohio. There's lots to choose from that may have motivated the state's voters to support her flailing candidacy, from her non-existant opposition to NAFTA to her non-existant national security credentials. It could have been racism, but as we all know, Democrats are highly evolved people and never allow racial considerations to guide them.

But on balance I think folks in Ohio just prefer bad candidates. The state - normally described as "swing" - voted to re-elect Bush in 2004, though by then the depth of his moral and technical failures was clear to anyone paying attention. The Clinton campaign shows many of the same low qualities as the Bush Administration - secrecy, fear-mongering, and an insulated political machine - and is apparently preferable to a majority of Ohio residents.

I'm not sure where I'm going with this. I drove through Cleveland once and thought it was a nice town, but I guess I wouldn't mind if the state just disappeared from electoral prominence for the next few cycles.

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