Sunday, March 9, 2008


Obama won in Wyoming which will blunt Hillary's recent momentum a little and he's almost definitely going to win in Mississippi this week. After he does the press may add that this further blunts Hillary's momentum.

But most of the press won't put out a story now about how Obama is probably going to win in Mississippi and what that will do for his momentum...they will wait until after his win.

They kind of did the same thing with Wisconsin. After Wisconsin they flipped out. What a surprise! Obama takes Wisconsin! But a week before Wisconsin it was a pretty popular idea that Obama was going to win that race. Now it was a surprise how much he won, but his victory was not a surprise (he was gaining significantly in Wisconsin and he was campaigning much better in that state and people in that state were saying that for days before the election).

They did the same thing this week for Clinton. Obama was almost always behind in polls around Ohio and one day before the election, she took the lead in polls in Texas. So where is the surprise? No surprise.

The surprise is how close Obama came to winning in Texas and Ohio when just months ago he was so far behind. This didn't just come from momentum of winning eleven contests in a row (though that helped). It came because Obama is good at campaigning. His campaign knows how to build an effective grassroots infrastructure and it's really impressive. Ted Strickland was getting worried about Ohio just a week before the election there. Now his worry may have been pre-spin in the event that Hillary lost, but either way the fact that the Ohio Governor had to make pre-spin when Ohio was a shoe in state for her just months ago says something remarkable about what Obama has done and what he is currently doing.

New Hampshire was a genuine surprise. But for the most part, particularly after Super Tuesday, the polls have been correct and the press keeps treating the results like a surprise. Whoopdeedoo! The polls were right. What a surprise!

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