Friday, March 21, 2008

Don't Stand In The Doorways, Don't Block Out The Hall

Look Senator Clinton, your own aides are saying that you have virtually no chance of winning this primary. Yet as Ezra Klein notes, this primary is seriously costing us the opportunity to go after McCain now. What are you doing and why? Has your compulsion to win so outweighed your interest in change that you just can't stop running?

Don't you realize that you're wasting valuable, valuable time for us to win this election in November? Don't you realize that the only way you could win, if you actually did pull it off, would create historic animosity in the Democratic party? And don't you realize that there are more important things in life than winning. I mean, for goodness sakes, if you read the below post, there are infants that can shoot urine six feet through the air.

Please Senator Clinton, please heed the call. Don't stand in the doorway. Don't block out the hall. Please, for once in your life, accept that winning isn't everything, play the role of underachiever, and accept being a measly US Senator who has a good chance of becoming Senate Majority Leader. I know mediocre posts like this are really a sign of professional failure, but sometimes having a lowly position like Senate Majority Leader will free you up to enjoy the real things in life. Like male babies who's little penises can squirt urine at a height that is taller than the average American man.

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