Monday, March 10, 2008

Clinton the Magnanimous

I was impressed, though not surprised, to read that Hillary Clinton is offering Barack Obama the Vice Presidency on the Democratic ticket. Now Obama has won more states than Clinton. He's won more delegates. He's won the popular vote by over half a million. And none of these facts are likely to change before the nomination. So on what basis, other than her lead in superdelegates, does Clinton presume to take the lead on that ticket? And does she really think no one is going to notice if she enters the convention losing in every objective category but emerges as the nominee?

Either she has a much better sense of humor than she has let on previously, or she just flat out believes it's her right to steal it.

Fortunately Obama is a pretty tenacious guy and has made all of these points himself. But I think he should go a step further, and offer Clinton an important new cabinet post called "Tickler of Dr. Bellowsair's funny bone." Because I find the Clinton chutzpah amusing, and I think she would be ready on Day 1.

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