Friday, April 4, 2008

Time To Take A Dump

Ezra Klein believes Mark Penn needs to resign either from his consulting job or from the Clinton campaign. Here's what's happening:

Mark Penn is Clinton's chief political strategist and has a second job for a firm called Burson-Marsteller (BM). As CEO of BM (which Ezra Klein points out has a unionbusting division), Penn has been advising the Colombian government on a free trade agreement that the Clinton campaign claims it's opposed to (at least while campaigning in Pennsylvania and Ohio). Yet the Clinton campaign is aware of the fact that Penn is doing this and aware that the Colombians are going to feel like he owes them. see friends:

Where I come from, my grandparents would always ask if I had made a "BM" after leaving the bathroom. "BM" was short for bowel movement. Well let's see if Hillary is ready to dump this shit head Mark Penn once and for all.

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