Thursday, April 17, 2008

Barack-aby Bama on the Tree Top

Now my last post aside, I've got to say: Barack Obama did a shitty job at the debate last night. Now if it were me and I was being asked repulsive questions, I would have been pretty freakin' annoyed to. I mean, those were bad questions that Obama has mostly addressed many times over.

But that said, Barack looked as if he was going to fall asleep last night in the middle of each sentence. He looked so tired. I could hardly watch. It was almost as if he was annoyed at the questions not just because they were stupid questions, but because he was really cranky. I understand that and have sympathy for it.

I almost find it funny. I told my roommate, one day when I have a child I'm going to say to him or her when they are looking sleepy: "We better put you to bed! Why you look just as tired as Barack Obama at a Pennsylvania debate!"

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