Sunday, April 13, 2008

Nick Kristoff is da Awesomest

It seems to me that Nick Kristoff at the NYT puts out more original substance than all the other op-ed writers for the NYT Times put together. Frank Rich is a nice read. But I can basically get the same idea from 100 liberal bloggers and MoveOn emails. Maureen Dowd is basically a DC version of "People Magazine" or "Cosmo."

Paul Krugman has substance and doesn't stand down even in the face of unpopular opinion. So mad props to him. Also, some mad props to Tom Friedman for his unique take on globalization, etc...however, Friedman is give or take. For all his unique perspectives, he's also a bit of a wild card on his facts. He's more of a "I have a hunch and I'm going to present my hunch as FACT" kind of a guy."

Kristoff writes articles that speak to issues that are ignored by just about everyone except the International Crisis Center. He's original and he seems based on facts.

So yay Kristoff!

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