Saturday, September 13, 2008

Slime me in Spanish

Much has been made of John McCain's campaign of lies this week. In fact, while campaigns are full of little lies, the past four to five days has seen an explosion, one could even say a surge, of lies. The latest, a Spanish-language attempt to portray Obama as anti-immigration, strikes me as the worst of the lot. Put aside the fact that Obama and McCain both voted the same on this issue (they were pro-migrants), and put aside that it was the Republicans who ultimately killed the immigration reform effort. In other words, put aside the fact that the ad is a smear and a lie. Just ask yourself a simple question: what kind of sleaze ball does it take to scare up a few votes by playing to the fear of their family's deportation?

Now to me this campaign has been a no-brainer ever since McCain demonstrated an inability to differentiate between Sunnis and Shiites (remember that?). Anyone who is actually serious about foreign policy, or who payed even the slightest attention while visiting Iraq, wouldn't make a mistake like that. He certainly wouldn't do it repeatedly. After eight years of incompetence, I want competence. It's straightforward and non-ideological.

But I have to say, watching this guy run through the absolute basement of human behavior, while all the time maintaining that crisp little grin on his face, and constantly bringing up his honor as if it's the 51st star on the American flag, is more than I can take. It's infuriating. It's unjust. It's anything but Country First.

The man must be stopped.

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