Saturday, September 20, 2008

Slime me in Spanish II

The plot in this week's Spanish soap opera thickens, as Obama responds to the McCain smear with a nasty ad of his own. As far as I can tell, the Obama ad is equally full of it. This is great if you're a left wing hack and you like Obama because he is going to give it to the right this November. If, however, you like Obama because you believe he offers something more honest in our political dialogue, it's rather disappointing. It would have been enough to point out, once again, that the McCain smear was inaccurate, and perhaps hit back by noting the truth, which is that the GOP has fully embraced xenophobia.

Instead Obama opted for a personal smear of his own. That may be tit for tat, and few will feel bad for McCain, but the truth would have been far more effective.

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