Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Where did everyone go? Did anyone clean up after the cats?

I finally had a full day to kick back and read. No hospital rounds, no running all over creation, no 5-minute "inbetween" reading while I was waiting for my pager to go off. Nope, I had the whole day to read. And man did I read. I poured through an Economist cover-to-cover over breakfast. The renewable energy articles flat out blew my mind. Then I read a few posts on, the most wonderfully nerdy polling blog ever created. After lunch I made my way over to the DC bloggers, and eventually found myself reading old Bernie Watersmouth posts.

This is all rather fragmented, but some initial bloggy insights gleaned during my long absence from blogging: A) Reihan Salam is the most exciting thing to happen to conservatism since Andrew Sullivan - it's all for the better that he pissed off Newt Gingrich B) Liberal bloggers should under no circumstances be trusted with healthcare reform - I don't doubt their wonkishness, just their ability to grasp what actually happens when people become seriously and chronically ill C) Barack Obama has tapped into a cultural phenomenon that is simply huge - he has managed to merge the public's distaste for cynical, dumbed down politics with the first technology available (the internet) that allows ordinary citizens to circumvent corporate media and financing.

On a more personal note, I've gained one additional insight from recent fatherhood. And that's that single men shouldn't be in charge of anything important. They don't know real beauty when they see it.

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